Events Coming soon:

L ooking for more information and help using Roland VersaWorks RIP? VersaWorks is the world's number one RIP software. VersaWorks provides an extensive feature list with time saving functions to create some of the best output. At Hansen Supply we know Roland and we know VersaWorks. Let us help you find hidden features and workflows to make your jobs come to life! This two hour class room time includes hands on training with Roland VersaWorks and a Q&A session . Talk with other Roland customers and see the software and equipment in action to get a better understanding of how VersaWorks can increase your output, save you time and save you money. RSVP Today!

Where? Hansen Supply Chandler AZ

When? Thursday, December 5th 9:00 am

Sign up:


What to bring: Bring your laptop with VersaWorks if possible. We will be projecting a copy of VersaWorks and you can follow along.

What is the Cost? Free with RSVP, but you must RSVP.

Who Should Attend? Rookies and Pros. We will have information for all levels.

Will Food be provided? We will have some light snacks, coffee and water available.

Will I be able to get my questions answered? Yes, we will be answering questions from a live presenter as we go.